BLOG-Overview ... David in Switzerland ... Emmanuel in Switzerland (this BLOG)

Monday, May 15, 2017

it-gh 170515 the last supper in Arisdorf Switzerland

  • time : 9:00am - 22:30pm
  • place: at home in Arisdorf
➣ today, waking up, David changed auntie Ruth's tyres and I did a little touch ups at the washroom then we had breakfast together and we all went to pearl shop to buy some electronics.......
after pearl shop we did the rest of our baggage packing and our mum prepared a Racklet for us and it was superb, that on our first taste of it we liked it and never wanted to stop eating it, but we got filled up......😀😀😀
we are leaving our mum with sadness and a lots of thoughts on her mind and heart.....we did the last car wash and gardening for her so sweet.......she couldn't stop her emotions of our departure but to burst out in tears....God is in control....she then prepared us apricot cake for the evening......we will be communicating in heart....


180124..it_gh Mampong

Mampong sensor fix... I went to fix Mampong sensor control switch for the automation system.. . This was due to inaccuracy to sensor level...