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Saturday, May 13, 2017

it-gh 170513 Concert after gospel workshop

  • Time: 21:20am - 23:30pm
  • Places: Arisdorf(home) and Rainach(Gospel Music Concert)
😎😎 today after breakfast at home, we did our final gardening at home we trimmed the flowers in-front of the house, with the beauty thereof we made trimming the garden attracted auntie Ruth's neighbour, Christy to make us do hers as well......we did as well for her......
Then after lunch, time was up to go to Rainach, the gospel workshop's final show we couldn't wait to be there...........

The church was filled up with guest, and we all sang get the presence of God in our mist......our families came around as well...,Uncle Werner, auntie Theres, big bro.Raymond and his wife Jasmine, auntie! the atmosphere was charged..wonderful how God works through his people and for the first time David led a one of the songs hahaha,"U deserve it".......
πŸ˜— from there we had after concert drinks with pastries and had some acquaintances as well Irene, Beatrix,Anna, Priska and few anothers.......thank you all the big families,God richly bless them all...Michael with wife Carmenda
and Floyd..........such a blessing we have........and not forgetting the surprisesssssssss.....♭♬♫♪♩π€“π„žπ„Ÿπ…’π…‘π… π…Ÿπ…žπŸŽ·πŸŽΌπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

1 comment:

  1. it was a shower of blessings we received. Grace God.


180124..it_gh Mampong

Mampong sensor fix... I went to fix Mampong sensor control switch for the automation system.. . This was due to inaccuracy to sensor level...